Using Notepad++ as Arduino IDE
By: magikh0e
magikh0e _aT_ ihtb d0t org
(o 0) m0o.
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Last Edit: June 27 2015
Table Of Contents
Configuring Notepad++ and installing plugins
Install and Configure Plugins
This is a tutorial on configuring Notepad++ for working with Arduinos, including syntax hilighting as well as function completion and parameter
suggestions. As you may know the Arduino IDE sucks, but is required for compiling and uploading. Using this guide, you will be able to write
code using Notepad++ and send the code to the IDE once you are ready to upload to the Arduino. If you do not already have Notepad++ installed,
you can download and install it from here:
Notepad++ & Arduino Setup
1. From the notepad++ window, select Run->Run or hit F5.
2. Type in the following: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduinoarduino.exe" "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)", then select Save..., saving as Arduino Launcher.
3. From the notepad++ window, select Run->Modify Shortcut/Delete Command... select the Run commands tab and edit Arduino Launcher
then select the Modify button.
4. Assign a hot key to the command. I used Ctrl+Alt+F5
5. For syntax hilighting, select Settings->Style Configurator... select C++ from the list box. Under User ext. " add in ino, pde and then select
the Save & Close button.
Now when you have an ino or pde file loaded in Notepad++, clicking the hot-key Ctrl+Alt+F5, the code will be sent to the Arduino IDE for
compiling and uploading to the Arduino and the C++ syntax highlighting will be used.
Notepad++ Plugins
Narduino is a User Defined Language for N++ which provides full auto-complete and call-tip hints for the Arduino language.
1. Download the Narduinoplugin from: here.
2. From the notepad++ window, select Language->Define your language... then select the import button.
3. Select the file Arduino_Language_0.2.0.xml from the extracted files.
4. From the extracted files, copy the API folder into the Notepad++\plugins folder.
5. From the notepad++ window, select Settings->Preferences then select the auto-completion option from the list box and enable
function completion and function parameters hint.