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TORONTO - A hacker claiming to be associated with the "hacktivist" group Anon-
ymous appears to have orchestrated a series of attacks on Canadian websites
over the weekend, including Toronto and Ottawa Police.
The attacks started Friday after the City of Ottawa website was hacked -
its homepage replaced with the image of a dancing banana.
TORONTO - User data input fields can serve as gateways into websites and
afford hackers access to sensitive information.
There really is no patch for human stupidity your brain!
"Hardware Hacking" is a phrase referring to the modification, cannibalization
or combination of new and/or old technologies to create something different,
in order to solve a problem, make something more affordable/awesome, testing
out an idea, experimentation/education or just because you can.
We all live in a cut and paste world, we have the ability to rearrange our
digital lives with just a few clicks of the mouse. Wouldn't it be cool if
electronics could be the same way, after all who does not want a hacked
keyboard that can bypass hardware key-loggers or turning the old "used to
be junk" baby monitor into a covert eaves dropping device. How about
using a Raspberry PI and a Paint Ball gun for an automated turret system
with facial recognition or just simply modifying your XBOX or other gaming
With the proper knowledge and tools, and an eagerness to learn. The possib-
ilities are endless...