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[ Misc Scripts | Tools ]

Convert Assembly To Intel Hex Scripts - 06.27.2015

Batch and Shell scripts for converting assembly source code into Intel hex 
files suitable for flasing an Arduino or other MCU supported by avrdude via 
ArduinoISP or using the AVR ISP Shield.

Firmware Dumping & Disassembly Scripts - 06.27.2015

Batch and Shell scripts for backing up the flash, eeprom, hfuse, lfuse and 
efuse of ATMEGA328P or other various microcontrollers supported by avrdude. 

Optional ability to disassemble the hex files for further reverse engineering.

AtMega8 Microcontroller ISP Programmer - 12.2006

Schematic to a NON-buffered ISP programmer I use for programming my ATMega8 
microcontrollers. Works well with AVRDude on Linux, 

I have not tried many others, though should be compatible with most software 
for writing to the chips..