[ Development Platforms ]

Arduino - Getting Started
Open Source Prototyping Platform
Flashing LED
Arduino Flashing LED Tutorial

Turning an Arduino into a HID Device 
Tutorial coveriong how to turn an arduino 
into a USB Keyboard/HID device.

Tutorials for Arduino
YouTube Play List 

Loads of Arduino tutorials

Arduino + Breadboard Mount
3D Printed 

Beagle Board
A beagle and Arduino had a baby!

Raspberry Pi
An ARM GNU/Linux box for $25!

Raspberry Pi Hacking Guide

#D Printed 8Bit Skull Raspberry Pi Mount
Example: 8bitskull_RaspberryPi.jpg

PJRC - Teensy kits rock! 

Teensyduino Tutorial

Tool for easy use of Human Interface Devices 
for offensive security and penetration testing.

TeensyKit 2.0 Bumper 
Example: teensybumper.jpg 

[ Hardware Resources / Blogs ]

Database of private SSL/SSH keys 
for embedded devices

Embedded Device Hacking

Copy Protection in Modern Microcontrollers
Breaking copy protection.

AVR Freaks 

OscarLiang.net Blog
Sharing Knowledge and Idea

[ Books ]

Arduino Workshop
NoStarch Press

[ Tools / Software ]

Binwalk is a firmware analysis tool designed 
to assist in the analysis, extraction, and 
reverse engineering of firmware images and 
other binary blobs. It is simple to use, 
fully scriptable, and can be easily extended 
via custom signatures, extraction rules, and 
plugin modules.
Firmware Modification kit
This kit is a collection of scripts and 
utilities to extract and rebuild linux 
based firmware images.

A collection of tools and scripts to assist 
in analyzing bFLT binaries distributed with 
ucLinux, including an IDA bFLT loader.

Baudrate is a tool to help quickly identify 
the baud rate of an unknown serial device. 

It displays received data from a serial 
device while allowing the user to change 
the baud rate of their host system’s 
serial port on the fly.

IDA Path Finder
An IDA plugin to graph all paths between 
two functions.

IDA Script
IDAScript is a wrapper around IDA Pro that 
makes it easy to automate the execution of 
IDA scripts against target files from the 
command line. Scripts written for use with 
idascript can also be run manually in IDA’s 
GUI without any code change.

Libmpsse is a library for interfacing with 
SPI/I2C devices via FTDI’s FT-2232 family of 
USB chips. Based around the libftdi library, 
it is written in C and includes a Python 
wrapper courtesy of swig.

IDA Scripts/Plugins
A collection of IDA scripts and plugins 
useful during firmware RE.

Atmel Studio
Atmel® Studio 6 is the integrated development 
platform (IDP) for developing and debugging 
Atmel ARM® Cortex®-M and Atmel AVR® 
microcontroller (MCU) based applications. 

Robot Control Software

PCB Designer
Schematic Designer

Engbedded Atmel AVR® Fuse Calculator
Web Based AVR Fuse Calculator

OHMS Law Calculator
Web based tool for calculating Ohm's law.

Graphical Resistance Calculator
Web based Graphical Resistor Calculator

123D Circuits
Breadboard Editor With Realtime Simulation

Good text Editor for Win32 

Narduinoplugin / HOWTO install and configure
This is a User Defined Language for Notepad++ 
which provides full auto-complete and call-tip 
hints for the Arduino language. 

[ Tutorials ]

Adventures in Linux: Reverse Engineering Firmware
This 8-Bit Life
Reverse Engineering/File Formats
This section will talk about reverse-engineering 
proprietary file formats. Many software developers 
need to reverse engineer a proprietary file format, 
especially for the purposes of interoperability. 
For example, every year the Open Office project 
needs to reverse engineer the Microsoft Office 
file formats. Furthermore, reverse engineering 
is required for forensics purposes. The chapters 
in this section will talk about how to understand 
a proprietary file format.
AVR Tutorials
Browse through a total of 26 AVR microcontroller 

AVR GCC Tutorial
This tutorial is a good introduction to the programming 
of Atmel AVR microcontrollers in C with the free C 
compiler avr-gcc. 
AVR Fuse Tutorial
Fuses are an extremely important part programming 
a chip, but are rarely explained thoroughly. You 
only need to setthem once, but if you don't do it 
right, it's a disaster!
Tutorials for Eagle: 
 Part 1 - Schematic Design
 Part 2 - Printed Circuit Board Layout

DIY PCB - Toner Transfer Method
Make your own PCB at Home