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[ Raspberry Pi Hacking]
Raspberry Pi | Hacking - 08.30.2012 Docstoc: Mirror
Raspberry Pi Hacking. This paper outlines Raspberry Pi hacking, GPIO headers and how to interface them. Along with various programmaing language libraries and example code for controlling the GPIO pins and various applications they can be used for. Also covered will be performance tweaks and enhancements you can do to improve the performance of RAM, CPU and DISK I/O of the Raspberry Pi. Languages covered for controlling the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins: C, C#, Java, Perl, Python, Ruby, Shell Scripting and the wiringPi library. In this document interfacing with a Teensy Kit is covered and interfacing the Raspberry Pi with a HD 44780 LCD display, using the RPi.GPIO Recently added: Using a 16bit MCP23017 I2C I/O Expander with Raspberry PiControlling LCD Screens with Buttons 02.23.2013
More Raspberry Pi Hacking... Extending a bit upon the last guide published by Hakin 9. This guide will add several things to the Raspberry Pi, LCD with buttons and a python script to drive everything.[ Arduino Hacking ]
Arduino UNO R2/R3 as a HID Device (Linux/Windows) - 7.4.2015
Flashing the ATMega16u2 chip on Arduino UNO so it can act as a HID device. Similar to Teensy Kits Arduino HID Sketches: AddAdminUser_ArduinoHID Add an admin user via Arduino HID (Windows) LinuxReverseShell_ArduinoHID Reverse shell, using built in tools (Linux) osx-DownloadandExec.txt Download & execute shellcode from a url (OSX)Using an Arduino as an ISP Programmer - 06.27.2015
Tutorial on using an Arduino UNO as an ISP with an AVR ISP Shield to program atmega microcontrollers. With and without the need to flash a bootloader onto the target MCU.Replacing Arduino IDE with Notepad++ - 06.27.2015
Tutorial on configuring Notepad++ to support syntax hilighting, Arduino IDE launching along with function completion and parameter suggestions for writing Arduino sketches.Controlling 7 Segment LED with Arduino - 11.24.2013
Tutorial on how to control a 7 segment LED from an Arduino UNO R3.TCP/IP - Arduino Power Controller - 11.21.2013
Small project to control a 120VAC socket from an Adruino UNO R3 via web interface. Using an 8 relay 5VDC breakout board. Mainly pictures for now Source Code: https://pastebin.com/Hf34AKEhArduinoRobot - 11.21.2013
Small project working on a RC type robot controlled by Arduino.. Uses ping sonar and motion sensors. With a few servos for turret control...[ Misc Stuff ]
USB Scan Key Codes - 7.4.2015
Scan Key Code mappings for a 101 Key keyboard, including numpad and some special keys.Analyzing, reversing and Emulating Firmware - 7.2.2015
Tutorial on analyzing, reversing and emulating firmware using tools like Binwalk, Firmware modification Toolkit & Qemu.HOWTO: D.I.Y Power Over Ethernet - 11.22.2008
Note: This will only work for devices that are of the following: A. Under 12volts. B. Support ONLY 10/100 speeds.
This will NOT work with gigabit devices as gigabit requires all 8 pairs. WARNING: This mod will FRY gigabit devices (AT YOUR OWN RISK / Dangerous)HOWTO: Parallel Port LCD - 06.17.2007
HOWTO on building your own parallel port to LCD interface, driven by lcdproc.Convert PCB schematics to Toner Transfer Images - 12.1.2013
Tutorial on how to convert your Eagle Board Drawings into usable images for creating your own PCB boards using the Toner Transfer Method. Note: Assumes prior knowledge of eagle and preprepared schematic and board drawing, works best when the circuit does not use any SMD chips.